Falcon Capital Partnership Ltd only markets to self certified investors. You can Self Certify by filling out the form "Register" at the top of the page. The content of this website is for information only and does not constitute, nor must be deemed to be financial advice. Reliance on this promotion for the purpose of engaging in any lending activity may expose an individual to a significant risk of losing some or all of the monies lent. Falcon Capital Partnership Ltd does not provide pension, investment or financial advice, which can only be provided by a regulated financial adviser. All investments marketed by Falcon Capital Partnership Ltd are not regulated, illiquid and non-transferable and you may not receive back all of what you invested and should your financial circumstances change and you needed to sell the loan notes or bonds you would be unable to do so. All prospective investors should seek independent professional advice before investing. Your capital will be at risk if you invest. Falcon Capital Partnership Ltd is not authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and clients who invest will not have access to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). Falcon Capital Partnership Ltd IS registered in England & Wales, Number 09403877. Registered Office: 34-35 Hatton Garden, Holborn EC1N 8DX.